
K V Ragdhupathi
An ardent Sadhaka, K. V. Raghupathi, has more than three and a half decades of uninterrupted enviable sadhana, and has published numerous articles in various cultural journals such as Vedanta Kesari (Chennai), Prabhuddha Bharata (Kolkata), Sri Aurobindo’s Action (Puducherry), Education of
Yoga (Hubbali), International Journal of Science and Consciousness (Uttarkhand) and Sapthagiri (TTD, Tirupati). Besides four books, Yoga for Peace (2006),
Yoga and Zen: A Monograph (2007), My Tryst with Yoga and Other Essays
(2018) and Hastha Yoga: Theory and Practice (2018), he has delivered
numerous talks on Yoga philosophy and spirituality. A PhD in English
Literature, he is also a creative writer in English. He is a poet, short story
writer, novelist, book reviewer and critic. An Indian author best known for
his poetry in English language. His poetry is rooted in the abundance of
philosophy, nature, transcendentalism, imagery and social perspectives, and
replete with similes, metaphors, personifications, apostrophe, irony, climax,
anti-climax and full of rhetoric and symbols. More often he takes the readers
on the spiritual exploration of radical philosophical thoughts which strongly
speak through all the collections. After teaching at S. V. University, Tirupati
for a decade and four and a half years at Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, he
moved to Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur where he has been
teaching in the Department of English Studies since 2011.