गोधूलि, भोर और मुक्ति

The countdown to armageddon has begun.
Some believe it began 700 million years ago, others say it started in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico. Regardless of its exact origin, the war between the worlds is about to reach its final conclusion: The End of Days. As global allies fall to the wayside and nations start a mad scramble to realign their military structures, only one element in the arsenal of the world can possibly give Earth a fighting chance at survival: The Matchstick Man. But who is this small being, exactly? Can he outsmart his former masters? Can he be trusted?

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Tempest in a Conch Shell

A collection of poems that spread through childhood reminiscences to feeling of love, pain and more love. It’s a must read for the poetry lovers.

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My Father’s Face

The United States is ready to make a triumphant return to the moon, striking out boldly into the solar system in an attempt to regain the confidence of the heady days of the Apollo program. But a shocking discovery at Shackleton Crater brings the first Prometheus mission to an abrupt halt.

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An Ode to Illusions

Orchida Mukherjee’s An Ode to Illusions is a poignant poetic journey that travels through her personal emotions to bring forth a collection that is sensitive, dreamy and yet rooted in the everyday. A fresh voice, her poetry gives perspective to all dreamers and writers of free verse.

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कुछ कहानियां ऐसी भी

फ्लाइट लिएउतनान्त सोनाली शिरपूरकर बडकस जो की भारतीय वायु सेना में ६ साल तक तकनिकी क्षेत्र में कार्यरत थी इनका यह पहला कहानी संकलन है। आपको बचपन से ही कहानी लिखने का शौक है । इस किताब में प्रकाशित कहानियां हालांकि मनघडंत है पर समाज की बदलती सोच का समावेश कर हर कहानी को एक नया मोड़ दिया है जो की आपको रोमांचित कर जायेगा ।प्रस्तुत है जीवन के यह खट्टे मीठे अनुभव । आशा है आपको भी पसंद आएंगे।

Original price was: ₹300.00.Current price is: ₹250.00.
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Embers of My Dream

A collection of poems that beautifully captures different moods and meanings of life. A must-read collection by Tapeshwar Prasad who is already a world-acclaimed poet. Tapeshwar Prasad has authored blend of five surrealistic and realistic poetry books, and has been featured in Camel Saloon (U.K.), Cordite Poetry Review (Australia), Crushing Waves (USA), The Aquillrelle Wall of Poetry (USA), Spillwords (USA), Literaryyard (India), the beautiful space-a journal of mind art and poetry (UK), Episteme (India), Setumag (USA), poetic passions (India), different truths (India), the galway review (Ireland), Umbilical Chords (India), inklings (India), Scaling Heights (India), open the magazine (India), INNSÆI-International Journal of Creative Literature for Peace and Humanity (IJCLPH) (India), The Significant Anthology (India), Learning and Creativity (India), vox poetica (New Jersey, USA), Quail Bell (Brooklyn, USA), Mad Swirl (USA), readomania (India), Pangoline Review (Mauritius), Muse India (India), The Fictional Café (USA) and many others. He has been included in ICOP: Roll of Honour by Sir Louis Kasatkin, Destiny Poets (U.K.).

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Through The Green Veil

Arunav Barua’s Through the Green Veil resonates with the readers’ search for anchor in times which have been both difficult and not. The poet establishes that nature is our constant companion. The poems appeal to the organic sensibilities of the readers and comfort the soul.

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I Hear the Muse

Arunav Barua’s I Hear The Muse is a collection of poems that seek beyond time and use the space-time continuum that is given to us. The verses compel the readers to think and go on a journey with the poet in search for an emotional meaning.

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The Lonesome Song

Arunav Barua’s The Lonesome Song is for the seekers who have asked the eternal questions and sung the lonesome song together. The collection is a pleasure to read. They take the readers on an ethereal journey.

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