This collection of twenty five stories is her maiden attempt at venturing into Magic Realism but she has given her own interpretation to the term and created Breeze in the Old Building, The Tree, The Little Woman at the Kiln and The Old Man on the Hill. The stories depict especially a world of her own where contrary spaces and characters and times can freely mix, in an often Indian landscape upheld by beautiful and ugly images and powerfully vast and lush descriptiveness, along with touches of playfulness, seriousness, didacticism and whimsy. The Lamb is metaphorically tragic in orientation. The Nose is semi-humorous in its study of obsession and The Giant Mole is Kafkaesque as is, to a lesser extent, Too Long a Sacrifice and even The Court of Law. She confesses to have an abiding interest in Kafka’s work and her stories have impression of Kafka in them.
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