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Of Man and Earth

Twenty thousand years ago, when early man made his way to North America, a tribe of prehistoric predators made the great trek as well. But these giant, deadly beasts seemingly became extinct…and humans lived to become the most violent creatures on Earth. Man’s brutal nature reached a boiling-point with the execution of Russia’s last czar and his entire family. But some believed that the czar’s children, Alexei and Anastasia, survived―and came to America with the treasury of the Romanov dynasty. That legend was born on July 17, 1918―and lives on to this day…


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Twenty thousand years ago, when early man made his way to North America, a tribe of prehistoric predators made the great trek as well. But these giant, deadly beasts seemingly became extinct…and humans lived to become the most violent creatures on Earth. Man’s brutal nature reached a boiling-point with the execution of Russia’s last czar and his entire family. But some believed that the czar’s children, Alexei and Anastasia, survived―and came to America with the treasury of the Romanov dynasty. That legend was born on July 17, 1918―and lives on to this day…

Almost a hundred years later, a battered journal―the only evidence left from the night of the Romanovs’ execution―turns up in a rare bookstore. Suddenly everyone’s trying to decipher the location of the Romanov treasure…and people are turning up dead along the way. Enter the Event Group, the most secret organization in U.S. history. Colonel Jack Collins is charged with finding out what really happened to Alexei and Anastasia. To get to the truth, he and his team will have to travel to the continent’s last deep wilderness where men have been vanishing for centuries― and come face to face with a mythical enemy from the dawn of time….

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